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under the cut - ONTD: Politics - LiveJournal

In 1997, Congress cracked down on a popular tax shelter that allowed rich people to take advantage of the exempt status of charities without actually giving away much money.

Individuals who had already set up these vehicles were allowed to keep them. That included Mitt Romney, then the chief executive officer of Bain Capital, who had just established such an arrangement in June 1996.

The charitable remainder unitrust, as it is known, is one of several strategies Romney has adopted over his career to reduce his tax bill. While Romney?s tax avoidance is legal and common among high-net-worth individuals, it has become an issue in the campaign. President Barack Obama attacked him in their second debate for paying ?lower tax rates than somebody who makes a lot less.?

In this instance, Romney used the tax-exempt status of a charity -- the Mormon Church, according to a 2007 filing -- to defer taxes for more than 15 years. At the same time he is benefitting, the trust will probably leave the church with less than what current law requires, according to tax returns obtained by Bloomberg this month through a Freedom of Information Act request.

In general, charities don?t owe capital gains taxes when they sell assets for a profit. Trusts like Romney?s permit funders to benefit from that tax-free treatment, said Jonathan Blattmachr, a trusts and estates lawyer who set up hundreds of such vehicles in the 1990s.

Near Zero

?The main benefit from a charitable remainder trust is the renting from your favorite charity of its exemption from taxation,? Blattmachr said. Despite the name, giving a gift or getting a charitable deduction ?is just a throwaway,? he said. ?I used to structure them so the value dedicated to charity was as close to zero as possible without being zero.?

When individuals fund a charitable remainder unitrust, or ?CRUT,? they defer capital gains taxes on any profit from the sale of the assets, and receive a small upfront charitable deduction and a stream of yearly cash payments. Like an individual retirement account, the trust allows money to grow tax deferred, while like an annuity it also pays Romney a steady income. After the funder?s death, the trust?s remaining assets go to a designated charity.

Romney?s CRUT, which is only a small part of the $250 million that Romney?s campaign cites as his net worth, has been paying him 8 percent of its assets each year. As the Romneys have received these payments, the money that will potentially be left for charity has declined from at least $750,000 in 2001 to $421,203 at the end of 2011.

Tax Returns

The Romney campaign declined to answer written questions about the trust.

?The trust has operated in accordance with the law,? Michele Davis, a campaign spokeswoman, said in an e-mail.

Paul Comstock, a financial adviser to LDS Philanthropies, an arm of the Mormon Church, said that while he wasn?t familiar with the trust, Romney and his trustee might arrange to compensate the church for the dwindling amount with other gifts.

?It may be that they?ve made provisions for the charity someplace else that will make up for what this isn?t going to give them,? Comstock said.

Bloomberg News obtained the trust?s tax returns from 2007 to 2011 from the Internal Revenue Service. Romney hasn?t disclosed the trust?s tax returns and is under no legal obligation to do so. He did make some disclosures about the trust?s investments in Massachusetts filings from 2002 to 2007 and as a presidential candidate in the current campaign.

After Death

Funds held by Romney?s trust are scheduled to be distributed after the death of Romney and his wife to ?a charitable organization to be designated by Romney,? according to the 2007 filing, disclosing assets he held while governor of Massachusetts. ?In the absence of such a designation the funds will go to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.?

Davis declined to comment on whether Romney has designated another charity since then.

Romney has been an active member of the church, which expects members to donate 10 percent of their income. Over the years, he has donated millions of dollars of stock in Bain-owned companies to the church, securities filings show.

The church recommends such trusts on its website as one of many options for donors.

?Probably one of the advantages of a charitable remainder trust is that it helps with capital gains tax,? said Carl McLelland, an attorney in the planned giving office for LDS Philanthropies.

Capital Gains

CRUTs were more common in the 1990s when capital gains rates were higher. In 1996, when Romney set up his trust in Massachusetts, the federal rate was 28 percent, compared with 15 percent today. At the time, a Massachusetts state resident who sold shares for a gain of $1 million could have faced a combined state and federal capital gains tax of as much as 40 percent, reducing his take to $600,000.

By contrast, if he contributed the stock to a CRUT, and it sold the shares, it typically wouldn?t owe any tax since it is a charitable trust. The CRUT could reinvest the $1 million and earn a return on the full amount.

?The power of this is the tax deferral,? said Jay A. Friedman, a partner at accounting firm Perelson Weiner LLP in New York. ?The money is all growing tax free and he only pays tax on what is distributed to him.?

Concerned that CRUTS weren?t sufficiently philanthropic, Congress mandated in July 1997 that the present value of what was projected to be left for charity must equal at least 10 percent of the initial contribution. Existing CRUTS weren?t affected by the new law.

Dwindling Principal

Romney?s trust was projected to leave to charity an amount with a present value of a little less than 8 percent of the initial contribution, according to an analysis by Friedman. Thus, the specifics of Romney?s trust wouldn?t have passed legal muster if it had been set up 13 months later, he said.

Because the trust?s investments have been earning a return far below its annual payouts to the Romneys, its principal has dwindled rapidly.

In 2001, five years after it was established, the trust had a value of between $750,000 and $1.25 million. Since then, it has pursued a conservative investment strategy -- regardless of the ups and downs of the stock market -- buying a mix of money- market funds, federally-backed bonds and federal bond funds. Since 2007, it has moved its assets entirely into cash. By 2011, its investments earned a return of $48, down from between $60,001 and $100,000 in 2001. It paid $36,696 to the Romneys in 2011.

Romneys Favored

The current investing strategy favors the Romneys over the charity because they get a guaranteed payout, said Michael Arlein, a trusts and estates lawyer at Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP.

?The Romneys get theirs off the top and the charity gets what?s left,? he said. ?So by definition, if it?s not performing as well, the charity gets harmed more.?

The trustee for Romney?s CRUT is R. Bradford Malt, chairman of the law firm Ropes & Gray LLP, and manager for Romney?s various family trusts as well as his personal attorney. Ropes & Gray has also been for years the main outside counsel for Bain Capital.

If the CRUT maintains the same investing strategy, assets will continue to shrink, said Jerome M. Hesch, a tax and estate planning attorney at the law firm Carlton Fields. The trustee acted prudently in protecting against losses during a stock market decline, he said.

Nevertheless, ?what?s going to go to charity is probably close to nothing,? Hesch said.

By Jesse Drucker, Oct 28, 2012 10:01 PM MT


Source: http://ontd-political.livejournal.com/10156594.html

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Beyond SEO: Inbound marketing and your 2013 online marketing ...

Turn Your Web Site Into a Magnet for Customers with Inbound Marketing

Traditional Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is dead.

There ? I said it. Not sleeping. Not pining for the fjords. Dead. As in doornail.

So should you start ignoring search engines? Not one bit; in fact, you should be paying more attention to them than ever. Let me explain.

Let?s start with some basics.

SEO is all about taking your existing Web site and tweaking it ? changing some text, changing some code and building links back to it from other sites ??so that it appears higher in search engine results pages for keyword searches that matter to your business.

In my view ? and as it turns out, in Google?s view, too ? that focus is too narrow.

You see, when you focus so narrowly on inching your site up the Google search results you, frankly, end up doing some stupid stuff.

You end up packing the content of your site with so many keywords that it?s virtually unreadable, you end up creating hundreds and hundreds of junk Web sites in order to create links back to your site, you spam blogs with irrelevant messages about your product or service.

Just dumb stuff that doesn?t create value for anybody anywhere.

With an Inbound Marketing approach your focus is much broader ? and more tightly tied to real, meaningful business results for you.

Inbound Marketing is all about using great ??some would say exceptional ?? online content to help your prospective customers find your business, become a lead and ultimately to become your paying customer.

Search engine results ? and appearing prominently in them ? are still important. Search engines are ? and will be for some time to come ??probably the most important way for people to find products and services they?re looking for.

But in traditional SEO, the success metric is how high your site ranks for a given keyword. While in Inbound Marketing, the key metric is how effective your site content is at drawing people to it and how effective it is at converting those people into your paying customers.

Do you see the difference?

The Inbound Marketing playbook focuses on using all of the tools of online marketing, with great content at the hub:

  • Great, frequently updated online content improves search engine visibility and traffic to your site while it helps to educate your prospective clients
  • Social media tools help to amplify your message and engage your prospects
  • Effective content offers (again) and strong calls to action help to turn visitors to your site into leads
  • And more content (again), often delivered via email and social media, can help to educate those leads to a point where they?re ready to buy and more likely to buy from you than from your competitors.

In the Inbound Marketing playbook, SEO is only one small tactical element that?s at the service of bigger, more important business goals.

And it works!

Companies that use Inbound Marketing have far lower costs for acquiring each of their customers than companies using a hodgepodge of traditional marketing techniques.

And Google now rewards inbound marketers more than traditional SEO. With recent changes to the formula Google uses to generate search results, high quality, frequently updated content is now one of the most important factors in determining search engine rankings for your site.

That?s why Inbound Marketing deserves a place in your business? marketing plan for 2013.

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Source: http://www.fruitioninteractive.com/2012/10/beyond-seo-inbound-marketing-and-your-2013-online-marketing-plan/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=beyond-seo-inbound-marketing-and-your-2013-online-marketing-plan

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Auto Insurance in Athens, Ga. | How To Get Best Auto Insurance ...

Call Johnny Pachuta at Pachuta Insurance today @?706-769-2262

When you need the best auto insurance rates for you and your family in Athens, Ga., then it?s time to contact Johnny at Pachuta Insurance today! ?Get the best coverage with the lowest rates on your auto insurance in Athens, Ga.

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If you drive a car in Athens, Ga., you are required by law to carry auto insurance in Athens, GA. ? period! ?And there are stiff fines for breaking the law, so you want to make sure you?re covered. However, you also want to make sure you aren?t paying too much money.

Here are some tips to help you save money on auto insurance in Athens, Ga.

State Minimums are Not Enough For Auto Insurance in Athens, Ga.

The first thing you should know is that state minimum levels on auto insurance in Athens, Ga. are not high enough to protect you from lawsuits.

The state requires that you carry $25,000 for bodily injury, but one injured person could easily have higher medical bills. Property damage is $25,000 per accident, but this is also frighteningly low given the cost of new cars. Your insurance levels should be at least $100,000 per person, per accident and property damage levels of $100,000. If you have substantial assets, your insurance should be enough to cover your assets.

Ask About Discounts on Auto Insurance in Athens, Ga.

You aren?t going to save money by skimping coverage on auto insurance in Athens, Ga.?because it exposes you to the risk of lawsuits, but there are other ways to save. Talk to your agent about discounts. Most companies will provide you with a handsome discount if you have your car and property insured with them. See if you can get a discount based on your field of work, driving record or for having multiple cars.

Take a Class For Better Rates on Auto Insurance in Athens, Ga.

Defensive driving skills will help you avoid accidents. Your insurance company knows how important they are, and they are willing to reward you for learning these important skills. Ask if you can take a safe driving or defensive driving class to get lower rates. You will enjoy a nice discount, and you?ll learn something new in the class.

Find the best auto insurance in Athens, Ga. by calling Pachuta Insurance today @ 706-769-2262


Raise the Deductible on your Auto Insurance in Athens, Ga.

You don?t want to skimp on your automobile insurance, but you can save by raising your deductible. Going from a zero deductible to a thousand dollar deductible can save you a substantial amount of money. The trick is making sure you have the money set aside in case you ever need to file a claim. Take your savings every month and put it in a savings account. You will probably have enough to cover the deductible in a little over a year.

Confirm Your Mileage Information For Better Rates On?Auto Insurance in Athens, Ga.

Your insurance is based largely on how much you drive. People with long commutes will have higher insurance rates. However, this means that you can also enjoy lower rates if your driving habits change. If you have switched to a job that?s closer to home or started carpooling, then your insurance rates should drop accordingly.

Choose a Safer Car = Getting Better Rates on?Auto Insurance in Athens, Ga.

If you are in the market for a new car, then look for one with attractive safety features. In addition to side curtain airbags, cool features like traction control and anti-roll features on SUVs will help you get lower rates on your car. If you cannot decide between two models, call your insurance company to see which one has lower rates. It can help you make your decision. You should never cut your coverage to save on insurance premiums. However, there are other ways to save money on your auto insurance. Save money by asking for discounts, raising your deductible and taking a safe driver class. Finally, make sure all of your information is current, so you can enjoy the lowest rates possible. Learn more about getting the best auto insurance rates in Athens, Ga. by calling Pachuta Insurance now @?706-769-2262

Auto Insurance news for Athens, Ga

Source: http://bippermedia.com/2012/10/30/auto-insurance-in-athens-ga/

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2012/13 Personal Finance Awards

Animal Friends Insurance are delighted to announce that we have been nominated for another business award. We have been shortlisted as a final nominee in the ?Best Pet Insurance Provider? category of the 2012/13 Personal Finance Awards, as voted for by the audience of ?themoneypages.com?.

During nomination voting, Money Pages received over 11,000 votes, representing the biggest awards year to date. Now in their 15th year, these prestigious awards are regarded as a great barometer of success in the Personal Finance Industry, showing that customers both trust and recommend their company?s products and services. Furthermore, with the Money Pages audience choosing the nominees, impartiality is guaranteed.

We are over the moon that we have made the shortlist as it is a great honour to be involved with such a great award ceremony. If you are an existing policyholder and would like to vote for us then please head here to have your say.

Source: http://www.animalfriends.org.uk/blog/201213-personal-finance-awards/10431/

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California Democrats Claim They Were Re-Registered As Republicans: Today's Votes of Incompetence

WASHINGTON -- Democratic activists in Riverside County, Calif., claim that a Republican voter outreach project may be illegally registering Democrats as Republicans to boost the GOP's registration advantage, according to CaliforniaWatch.org, an investigative journalism outfit.

The website reports, "In a complaint filed last week with the county registrar of voters, the Democrats presented affidavits from 133 Democratic voters who said they had been re-registered as Republicans without their consent after they encountered petition circulators outside welfare offices and stores."

A local Democratic Party spokesman told CaliforniaWatch.org that the registration project's efforts may aid GOP fundraising efforts (by making local races seem more winnable) and impede Democrats' ability to turn out their voters. A spokeswoman for the Golden State Voter Participation Project denied the allegations, saying, "Our canvassers are trained about the laws, the rules and how to conduct themselves."

Here are some other election-related mishaps in the news:

In Palm Beach County, Fla., election officials are red-faced about yet another printing error on absentee ballots. As HuffPost reported last week, the county must manually fill out copies of 27,000 absentee ballots that can't be digitally scanned because of a design error. On Monday, elections supervisor Susan Bucher told the Palm Beach Post that she had to send new absentee ballots to another 500 voters because the flawed ballots they received didn't contain one of 11 proposed amendments to the state's constitution. The ballots also allow people to vote twice on three of those amendments because one of the ballot pages appears twice.

In Lakeland, Fla., an editorial in The Ledger warns that strict rules for counting absentee ballots may prevent some ballots from being counted. It points to a provision of Florida law that states, "After an absentee ballot is received by the supervisor, the ballot is deemed to have been cast, and changes or additions may not be made to the voter's certificate." The concern is that voters who don't sign their absentee ballots before turning them in will have their ballots invalidated. In a swing state like Florida, every vote may make a difference: A mere 537 Florida votes separated George W. Bush from Al Gore 12 years ago.

In Oneida County, N.Y., officials say the cost of fixing a typo on 130,000 ballots will be about $75,000, according to the Utica Observer-Dispatch. The newspaper reports that the county had to print brand-new ballots because the "c" was missing from President Barack Obama's first name. "I called the printer [Albany-based Fort Orange Press]," County Executive Anthony Picente told the paper. "She can cry poor me [in] this election and that election. They did it wrong and this is an embarrassment."

In the neck-and-neck presidential contest in Ohio, provisional ballots could delay the final count for days after the election, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports. Provisional ballots are given to voters when their eligibility is in doubt. After Nov. 6, election boards will meet to determine whether these voters were indeed eligible and thus their ballots can be counted. Bloomberg News reports that 206,859 provisional ballots were cast in Ohio in 2008, and 81 percent of them proved to be valid and were counted. If this year's race is extremely close, provisional ballots could decide which candidate wins the state, and possibly the presidency.

Follow Daniel Lippman on Twitter at @dlippman

Also on HuffPost:

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/30/california-voter-registration-absentee-ballots_n_2044377.html

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Ray Sefo is not just the president of World Series of Fighting, he?s also a fighter

The World Series of Fighting makes its debut on Saturday night, with headliners Andrei Arlovski and Devin Cole in the main event. But while they prep for the weekend's bouts that will air on NBC Sports Network, they also are thinking ahead to the next fights.

Ray Sefo, a kickboxing legend and the president of WSOF, is considering putting himself on the card.

"Absolutely," he joked while in studio with MMAjunkie.com Radio "It's my promotion."

Sefo said it became much more likely after he fielded offers to fight in New Year's Eve in Japan, as well as in March in Australia. While Sefo's WSOF partners weren't initially keen on the idea, the outside offers changed their minds.

"I think they're realizing if I'm still very active, why not have it in their own league," he said. "We just talked about it [four] days ago, and they were like, 'We should talk about that.'"

Sefo is a true veteran of combat sports. Though he is known for his kickboxing, he has also tried boxing and MMA. He worked at Xtreme Couture for years, helping several fighters shore up their striking. It was Sefo who helped Randy Couture prepare for his bout with boxer James Toney.

And now, it might be Sefo who could be a fighter and promoter for the same show. Do you think this is a good idea? Tell us in the comments, on Facebook or Twitter.

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mma-cagewriter/ray-sefo-not-just-president-world-series-fighting-174708187--mma.html

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Westfabian3980's blog - Typepad - jolladsharma

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Source: http://jolladsharma.blogspot.com/2012/10/westfabian3980-blog-typepad.html

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Windows Phone 8 gets Pandora Radio, Cut the Rope, Urbanspoon and more (update: full list)

Windows Phone 8 gets Pandora Radio, Cut the Rope, Urbanspoon and more

Microsoft knows that Windows Phone 8 is only as successful as its apps. To that end, it's blowing the doors open in terms of major app support. It's not only promising a Windows Phone version of Pandora Radio for early 2013, it's offering ad-free listening for the first year. How's that for strong out-of-the-box content? On top of this, Microsoft is vowing a slew of new apps and games that had previously only been available in the Android or iOS camps, including Asphalt 7, Cut the Rope, Temple Run, Urbanspoon and Where's My Water. By the time the expansion is done, Microsoft hopes to have 46 out of the 50 most popular apps onboard, making any platform switch that much gentler. Instagram is a notable omission -- still, it's a big leap in terms of equality.

Update: If you need even more detail, Microsoft has posted a wider list of new apps as part of its official Windows Phone 8 launch post. If that's not enough, you can catch a video overview of the platform after the break.

For more, check out our Windows Phone 8 event liveblog!

Continue reading Windows Phone 8 gets Pandora Radio, Cut the Rope, Urbanspoon and more (update: full list)

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Review: 'Wreck-It' casts a wide and beguiling net

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Guided by executive producer John Lasseter, Walt Disney Animation Studios has clearly devoted significant resources and talent to "Wreck-It Ralph," recruiting a top-notch cast and a diverse array of animation, visual effects and lighting artists to contribute to the distinct and varied vid-game styles. With a mix of retro eye-candy for grown-ups and a thrilling, approachable storyline for the tykes, the film casts a wide and beguiling net.

Emulating a lo-res '80s video game, "Wreck-It Ralph" envisions the titular character as the short-tempered, sledgehammer-fisted, 600-pound bad guy competing against goody-good nemesis Felix in a game located in Mr. Litwak's (Ed O'Neill) video arcade that's known as "Fix-It Felix Jr." As Ralph (John C. Reilly) tells some fellow evildoers at his first "Bad-Anon" meeting, he's a reluctant villain, tired of always being the culprit who tears down the apartment building inhabited by the Nicelanders who worship Felix (Jack McBrayer) for his superior repair skills.

After 30 years of taking the blame, Ralph's ready for a change - he thinks maybe if he can earn a medal, the Nicelanders might give him some respect and invite them to one of their frequent cocktail parties. Traveling through the arcade's power cords and surge protectors, Ralph journeys to Game Central Station, the gateway to every game in the store. Hearing that first-person shooter challenge "Hero's Duty" awards a medal for bravery, Ralph suits up to join no-nonsense Sergeant Calhoun's (Jane Lynch) platoon to battle the Cy-Bugs, a nasty computer virus in the form of cyber spiders.

Escaping hi-def "Hero's Duty" with the coveted service medal, Ralph crash-lands one of Calhoun's spaceships into "Sugar Rush," a Candy Land-styled race-car game, after he's attacked onboard by a massive Cy-Bug. He quickly loses his citation to pint-sized Vanellope von Schweetz (Sarah Silverman), a little girl determined to compete in one of "Sugar Rush's" prestigious races. Her bratty attitude and refusal to return the medal, which she can use to stake her spot in an upcoming competition, enrage Ralph, but he's powerless to force the girl to do his bidding.

Following an unpleasant encounter with "Sugar Rush" dictator King Candy (Alan Tudyk), Ralph allies himself with Vanellope in a plan to recover his medal and help the kid win a spot in the race. But first they'll have to in break into the King's specialized factory and build a competitive race car - and it might be a good idea for Vanellope to actually learn to drive it. Meanwhile, Felix has abandoned the "Wreck-It Ralph" game and the Nicelanders, joining up with Calhoun on a quest to retrieve his friend and protect "Sugar Rush" from the Cy-Bugs before the game gets flatlined.

Although the script is an original by Phil Johnston and Jennifer Lee, with its tortured toy characters facing obsolescence and searching for freedom and meaning, it bears a distinct Pixar DNA signature. Johnston and Lee don't stray too far from the Disney template, however, and although the characters are digital, their emotions are very recognizably human. Since Ralph and Vanellope are both outcasts, their struggles for acceptance are comfortably similar and familiar.

Making his feature film debut, Emmy-award winning director Rich Moore ("The Simpsons") ably manipulates the action by tantalizingly shifting the characters between game worlds. Effortlessly orchestrating a dizzying variety of visual elements, Moore consistently manages to keep the focus on Ralph and his comrade's multiplying perils. Visually, Pixar's influence is also evident in the level of detail lavished on the wide range of quirky characters and nearly every setting and background scene. Fortunately the more sugar-coated sentiments are mostly dialed back in favor of genuine character development and rousing, digitally realistic 3D action.

The audience's POV is occasionally represented by a girl who frequents the "real world" of Mr. Litwak's video arcade, where she interacts with all of the games depicted in the film. Game-play visual elements are used to enhance the impression of actually playing the arcade consoles, which can sometimes get distractingly disorienting as the narrative slips in and out of the video arcade setting.

An enthusiastic cast lends voice to the characters, led by Reilly, capably evincing the role of Wreck-It Ralph. His sad-sack sentiments, however, are frequently overshadowed by the hyperactive and super-snarky Vanellope. Silverman fully inhabits the character, marvelously calibrating her voice's volume, insinuating tone and emotional impact to match the character's antic facial expressions and unpredictable behavior. Tudyk is ridiculously over the top as the punning Mad-Hatter meets Wizard of Oz-like King Candy, while McBrayer and Lynch add surprising dimensionality to the increasingly smitten pair of Felix and Calhoun.

Editor Tim Mertens modulates the sometimes frenetic pace with brief interludes of introspection and camaraderie that help fill in the characters. Henry Jackman's lively score is supplemented by musical selections from R&B star Rihanna, electronica artist Skrillex and classic Kool & the Gang, among others.

"Wreck-It Ralph," a Disney release, is rated PG for some rude humor and mild action/violence. Running time: 93 minutes.

Motion Picture Association of America rating definition for PG: Parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children.





Source: http://news.yahoo.com/review-wreck-casts-wide-beguiling-net-224931505.html

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Wellness And also Physical fitness Tips For Reducing weight

There are a load of wellness as well as health and fitness tips that you can easily make use of to enhance your weight loss efforts. In this post, I will definitely reveal you some health and wellness and also physical fitness suggestions that you can easily use to reduce weight in no time at all. I have personally been making use of these health and wellness and also health and fitness tips myself to reduce weight, so you ought to stand to benefit from these ideas.

One of the most effective health and also health and fitness tips is exercising. Operating for 20 moments a day is a wonderful method to improve your physical and psychological wellness, and also to obtain the ball rolling on slimming down. When you go running, you discharge unique chemicals in your mind called ?endorphins? that make you feel better. These are known as the ?feel great? chemicals as they advertise wellness and well being.

Running to reduce weight is an impressive method that I extremely recommend you doing. It?s all normal and also does not require a prescription, so you may obtain started without delay ? no physician permission is required. I think we?ve all seen the power of going to drop weight. I have actually seen my relative as an example. She made use of to be big, but now she?s as skinny as a needle, and it?s all due to her running.

Yet another point that you can easily do for your wellness and fitness is to go on a good diet plan. Cook up some vegetables and also eat fruits that will definitely make you feel a lot better. One of the easiest methods to obtain your servings of fruit and vegetables is to get them prepackaged from the grocery store.

This method, you do not have to cut up anything or place everything in a tray ? it?s all provided for you. Obtaining your fruits and vegetables in a will certainly cost you a little bit a lot more because they?re prepackaged for you, but this is almost always more than worth it. Acquiring proper fruits and vegetables are very important for your wellness and physical fitness so maintain that in thoughts.

Yet another fantastic health and fitness suggestion to observe is to subscribe to a few fat burning and muscle magazines. I utilized to be a member of Muscle & Fitness Magazine. It?s a journal solely committed to assisting people to construct muscle. Even though I?m not a subscriber now, whenever I see one of these magazines, I right away go and look through it. It?s a great source of inspiration.

Wellness and also health and fitness are two subject matters that are commonly discussed online but not a great deal of people know how to tackle receiving excellent wellness and also being fit. For some individuals, these 2 areas are difficult to handle and also are difficult to obtain a deal with on. But with the appropriate assistance, I believe you can easily have the kind of weight loss success that you dream of.

So obtain going on your diet strategy as well as begin reducing weight today. If fat burning isn?t your primary objective yet it?s to assist build up some difficult, lean muscle, make sure to obtain started today organizing out your success.

Use these tips to have the kind of health and wellness as well as physical fitness success that you dream of.

For further information about weightloss, visit us at http://www.bodybuildingreview.com/.

Source: http://answers.carecrunch.com/?p=191653&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=wellness-and-also-physical-fitness-tips-for-reducing-weight

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Raids, medical tests risk Beirut's gay-friendly reputation

Marwan Naamani / AFP - Getty Images, file

Teddy, a Lebanese university graduate, performs a belly dance at a nightclub in Beirut, in this November 2007 file picture.

By Shane Farrell

BEIRUT, Lebanon ? It is 2 a.m. in an abandoned theater in Hamra, a neighborhood in the Lebanese capital.? Men pack the room, their fists pumping the air in time with the thumping music.? A bare-chested dancer in tight-fitting shorts glides around the stage, reaching his hand around another man?s neck, pulling him close and stealing a kiss.

These parties are popular with those who can afford the $33 entrance fee. For those looking for an alternative, around a dozen different bars and clubs aimed at gay men dot the city.

Beirut has for decades been a haven for gay men and lesbians, luring people from throughout the region, including deeply conservative countries like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. But while the city?s image as an oasis of open-mindedness attracts foreigners - and sells newspapers?-?the liberal veneer disguises a conservative underbelly that recent police sweeps and reports of invasive ?medical? tests have exposed.

Family ?would not accept it?
Many gay men in Beirut carry on double lives despite living in what is considered to be the gay capital of the Middle East.?

?I?m only out to my close friends,? said "Jad," 22, who asked that his real name not to be published. ?My family is quite religious and would not accept it.? When I was younger my mother made it clear that she would disown me if I came out to her.?

Indeed, while gay bars and clubs are common, homosexuality ? or behavior deemed ?contrary to nature? ?? is illegal according to article 534 of the Lebanese penal code.

Technically, this means that only those who have been proven to engage in such illegal acts are liable for arrest.? In practice, ?people have been arrested just because a particular security officer thinks that person might be gay,? human rights lawyer Nizar Saghieh said.

?Despite the fa?ade of tolerance, the reality is that a negative stigma of homosexuality persists,? said Georges Azzi, co-founder of Helem, a non-profit group working on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues.

The burden is heaviest for homosexual men who don?t have the right connections and cannot afford to pay off officials to avoid punishment.

?Unless you know your rights or know someone in a position of power to help you, you?re in trouble,? said Rebecca Saade, who works on LGBT rights with an underground group that focuses on lesbians and transsexuals.

Anwar Amro / AFP - Getty Images, file

Lebanese demonstrators hold signs against "virginity tests" on women - and men suspected of homosexuality - during a protest in Beirut on August 11.

Gay men who cannot afford to live outside of the family home are more likely to engage in sexual acts in places where they could be caught.

An incident in July revealed the contradictory attitudes toward homosexuality in Lebanon. Leading local television station MTV released footage of several popular gay hangouts?and police then raided two establishments and arrested patrons.

?I think the internal security forces felt pressured to act and arrested people in these theaters because they felt no one would pay any attention or care,? Helem?s Azzi said. ?The theater was in a poor neighborhood and the customers are on the lowest rung of Lebanese society, many of them were non-Lebanese Arabs.?

A surprising watershed
While a raid in Lebanon?s second city Tripoli went relatively unnoticed, journalists jumped on reports of a one in the outskirts of Beirut after it emerged that dozens of men arrested had been subjected to physical tests.

The controversial procedure, which human rights lawyer Nizar Saghieh said has ?no basis in science and is used as a tool of intimidation,? involves examining the anus for indications of sodomy.

The test has been standard for many years, according to human rights lawyer Saghieh, but was never before brought into the media spotlight. He estimates some 100 to 200 procedures take place every year.

Paradoxically, news that the men had been subjected to the invasive test jump-started a discussion on how homosexuals were treated in Lebanon. ?Until then, the debate had focused whether to grant equal rights to homosexuals and revoke article 534, said Saghieh.

Hundreds were rushed to emergency rooms after an explosion left a 15-foot crater in one of Beirut's nicest neighborhoods. NBC's Stephanie Gosk reports.

?But the debate was stagnant,? he added. ?With the anal tests, the debate focused on a single aspect of how gays are treated and a lot of people, despite their view on article 534, felt the practice extreme.?

Indeed, the media was almost unanimous in condemning the practice following the revelations over the summer. Many referred to the practice as ?tests of shame.?? One major TV channel went so far as to call Lebanon a ?Republic of Shame,? a term that gained traction across social networking sites.

Following the furor, the Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi passed a decree calling for an end to the tests.?Gay rights campaigners cheered the speedy policy change.

?It is probably the biggest success story in terms of gay rights in the Arab world,? Saghieh said.

Factbox: Political risks to watch in Lebanon

Saade agreed that the government?s decision was significant.

Still, it was just one victory in a long fight for equal rights in Lebanon, advocates said.

?We have come a long way in the past decade or so, but at this point I think revoking law 534 remains a dream,? Saade said.

Indeed, if you aren?t part of the wealthy and privileged Beirut elite, being gay in Lebanon can still prove treacherous.

"Mazen," a 23-year-old who asked for his real name not to be used, said he?s been encouraged by signs that many people are becoming more accepting in Beirut.? But these changes are largely limited to the capital and have not reached his village in the south where homosexuality remains a major taboo.

Syria may exploit instability in Lebanon: Clinton

Like others in his position, he hides his sexual orientation from much of his family.

?I have told a few cousins who are of similar age but I would never come out to my mother. She would be heartbroken, ashamed and make sure it stayed within the family,? he said.

?If I came out to her, I think she would never speak to me again.?

Shane Farrell is an NBC News contributor and a reporter at NOW Lebanon.

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Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/10/30/14780797-oasis-of-tolerance-or-republic-of-shame-two-faces-of-gay-life-in-beirut?lite

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GCC Needs to Invest in Unconventional Gas>> LNG World News

GCC Needs to Invest in Unconventional Gas

In the GCC?s oil and gas industry, past developments have focused more on enhancing the oil sector as opposed to the gas sector. However, with recent reports on the demand for gas both globally and domestically on the rise, as well as unconventional gas competition from the US, the GCC needs to invest significantly to capitalise on this important and profitable industry.

The IEA reported that the current 100bn cu. m. (cubic meters) annual demand for gas in the GCC is expected to rise more than 300bn cu. m. in 2020 and up to 600bn cu m by 2030.

Power generation is one of the main reasons for the increase in demand especially since countries in the GCC are heavily investing to rapidly develop gas-powered heavy industries such as petrochemicals, aluminium and steel.

Furthermore, all electricity generation in the UAE, Qatar and Oman is from gas, and with the population of the GCC expected to reach 53 million by 2020, the GCC will have to depend on gas imports rather than benefit from an export thriving gas industry.

In addition to having a severe negative effect on the population, failure to invest adequately in gas will negatively affect the GCC economies, as gas imports will rise drastically.

Dr. Naji, Managing Director, Petroleb, the Lebanese oil and gas operating company, said, ?Governments can intervene to provide organisations and investors with regulations to attract investments in new sources of gas to compete not just with the US, but China and Europe. By doing this, it will put the GCC region on the world map of gas exporting countries, especially since unconventional gas is getting more and more important.?

According to Dr. Naji, the main challenge in the GCC is to develop competing gas resources, especially unconventional gas. This is because the US is increasingly becoming an important exporter of gas in the world market where demand is not increasing in the same way as supply. This would place plenty of pressure on gas producers and exporters in the region and can significantly affect the economic prosperity of the region.

Gas is not only important but also cheaper than oil. A report released earlier this year by Qatar National Bank Research Department (QNB Capital), stated that gas could be regarded as cheaper relative to oil if environmental costs are taken into account, as it is a cleaner burning and more efficient fuel.

The GCC currently has gas reserves of 42trn cu. m. of gas accounting for 22% of global gas reserves illustrating significant opportunity if addressed strategically.

Dr. Naji further continued to state that GCC countries should follow the example of Saudi Arabia, which is developing its own shale gas and unconventional gas to compete on a global scale.

In addition to developing their own resources, GCC countries should also collaborate with member countries and neighbours providing opportunities to speed up the gas sector development process.

Dr. Naji said, ?I believe there are plenty of opportunities in developing the unconventional gas resources. One would be formulising a strategy to import gas from neighbouring countries through pipelines. Another would be to build floating LNG terminals in the hope that countries find gas for these terminals to become permanent.?

Dr. Naji is confirmed to participate at the Gas Arabia Summit to be held in Muscat, Oman from 2 ? 5 December 2012.

According to Dr. Naji, the Gas Arabia Summit is an important event to share valuable insight on how to develop the region?s gas industry. ?It will be interesting to participate as both speaker and attendee at the event as a comprehensive analysis of the entire sector, the latest regional government intervention along with successful technologies and strategies will be highlighted throughout the conference. The conference will feature everything we need to develop the unconventional gas industry efficiently and be globally competitive,? said Dr. Naji.

Furthermore, with four days of learning, debating and networking: from gas flaring to horizontal drilling, the Gas Arabia Summit is a must attend event for anyone involved in the GCC?s gas industry.

LNG World News Staff, October 30, 2012; Image: Gas Arabia Summit


Source: http://www.lngworldnews.com/gcc-needs-to-invest-in-unconventional-gas/

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Potsdam Hospital Guild, Saratoga Hospital and Nursing Home

(Albany, N.Y.)? ? The Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS) presented its 2012 Auxiliary of the Year Awards to Potsdam Hospital Guild and Saratoga Hospital and Nursing Home Volunteer Guild.? Awardees were honored at a luncheon ceremony at HANYS? Annual Institute for Health Care Auxiliaries and Volunteer Leaders in Saratoga Springs Tuesday.

?Auxiliaries help connect our hospitals and health care systems to their communities,? said HANYS President Daniel Sisto. ?HANYS applauds Potsdam Hospital Guild and Saratoga Hospital and Nursing Home Volunteer Guild for the wide range of activities that they support on behalf of the hospital and community, and thanks them for their commitment to health.?

HANYS established the Auxiliary of the Year Award to recognize the many ways that auxiliaries help strengthen New York State?s health care system. This year the award was presented to two auxiliaries that demonstrated outstanding achievement in community outreach and advocacy, one for an auxiliary to a health care facility with 100 beds or fewer, and a second award for a facility affiliated with a facility with more than 100 beds.

Potsdam Hospital Guild (small hospital category)

Since its founding in 1933, the Potsdam Hospital Guild has focused on giving back to the community, strengthening relationships and supporting the villages and townships surrounding Canton-Potsdam Hospital.

Each year, Potsdam Hospital Guild awards scholarships to students entering a health-related field, pursuing a nursing degree or enrolling in physical therapy and physician assistant programs at local universities.? The Guild supports the Kinney Drug Prescription Initiative, which helps get community members medications they cannot afford, donates a basket full of baby items to the first ?New Year?s Baby? born at the hospital, and provides for needy families during Christmas.

The majority of the Guild?s fundraising donations go directly to the hospital, which is also served by the Edward John Noble Guild of Canton-Potsdam Hospital, for equipment and building projects, including:

  • an annual pledge to support a new cancer center, with a chemotherapy infusion room;
  • grants awarded to departments within Canton-Potsdam Hospital to enhance the services and care each department provides to patients;
  • funding and designing a room as part of Hospital for Hospice; and
  • remodeling hospital rooms for use by patients? families.

Saratoga Hospital and Nursing Home Volunteer Guild (large hospital category)

Saratoga Hospital and Nursing Home Volunteer Guild has been honoring its pledge to ?interpret the hospital to the community at large and to assist in any way advisable,? for 63 years.? From its original 14 members in 1948, the Guild now has more than 300 members in 55 different areas of the hospital, who donated more than 55,000 service hours in 2011.? Volunteers can be found in the health and fitness gym, same-day surgery pre- and post-operative stations, operating the Medical Library, and staffing the emergency department information desk.

Saratoga Hospital Guild manages and operates two highly successful retail ventures: the Gift Shoppe and Treasures Consignment Boutique and Thrift Shop, which has been named ?Local?s Choice Award for Saratoga Springs? consignment shop for the past three years.? Proceeds from the shops enabled the Guild to make a substantial contribution to the hospital?s new Community Health Resource Center for the un- and under-insured.

The Guild also: helps coordinate blood drives; offers a reading enrichment program; sponsors scholarships; hosts sales, annual bazaars, and fundraisers; holds special events, such as ?Lights of Love? for nursing home residents, and delivery of flowers to all patients on Thanksgiving; and conducts a summer program for youth called Students Sharing Opportunities and Responsibilities.

The Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS) is the only statewide hospital and continuing care association in New York State, representing 500 non-profit and public hospitals, nursing homes, home care agencies, and other health care organizations.

Source: http://www.longislandexchange.com/press/2012/10/29/potsdam-hospital-guild-saratoga-hospital-and-nursing-home-volunteer-guild-named-auxiliaries-of-the-year/

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Fitness Spotlight ? 10 Fitness Exercises for Staying Healthy

Many people do not have any weight loss goals because they are not motivated. There are many ways available to make exercise enjoyable. Below are some of those ways.

Turn on the radio while you are working out. When you have music on, your body instinctively moves to the beat. It is natural for people to respond to music. Turn your workout into something fun and exciting with music. When you are having fun working out, you won?t concentrate on how tired you may feel. Listening to music is a great tool to utilize when you want to make your exercise last longer, because music will make you do more without even realizing it.

TIP! In seeking happiness for others, you find it for yourself. -Anonymous

If you have an exercise buddy, working out will be much easier. Workout time is a great time to catch up on the latest news with a buddy. Time will move quickly, and you will soon start to see the fruits of your labor as your body begins to improve. That?s what friends are here for!

One of the most interesting developments in the weight loss industry over the past few years is video game workouts. You will often lose yourself in the challenge and enjoyment of the game and forget that your initial purpose was actually exercise. You probably won?t get winded as easily and quit.

It is much more enjoyable to go to the gym if you are happy and look great when you are exercising. Spend enough money on getting some exercise clothes that are the proper size, allow for a full range of movement and are flattering in appearance. Choose clothing that you want to wear, and you don?t feel embarrassed in so you are inspired to work out.

TIP! Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Repeating, repeating, repeating the same workout is boring, boring, boring. Make sure you spice it up! Boredom is the biggest enemy of a productive workout. There is a chance that without proper incentive to keep trying, you might even abandon your goals. This is why you should change up your routine regularly. This is essential if you want to stay motivated. Once you stop your exercise routine, it is extremely difficult to regain your motivation to start again and any benefits you have achieved may soon be lost.

In order to make sure you stay motivated, you should treat yourself on occasion. Your reward to yourself should be something that will keep your motivation levels high. It should be something you look forward to, such as a day at the spa, a massage or even a nice, healthy dinner out with friends. It needn?t be anything over the top- simply a little something to keep you going. Just a teeny token to remind you that you are accomplishing your goals will suffice.

Working out is not a punishment and should not be viewed as one! Have fun while you workout so that you look forward to exercising. These tips will help you to have fun while you exercise!

10 Fitness Exercises for Staying Healthy

2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (98% score)

Source: http://www.fitnessspotlight.net/10-fitness-exercises-for-staying-healthy/

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New Dutch coalition govt seeks $20 billion in cuts

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) ? A new Dutch ruling coalition made up of the pro-free market VVD party and the center-left Labor Party plans to slash government spending by ?16 billion ($20.6 billion) by 2017.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte said he and Labor leader Diederik Samsom agreed Monday to a policy blueprint for their new coalition, an announcement that came after weeks of closed-door talks aimed at bridging their parties' ideological gulf.

"Getting government finances in order is an absolute priority," Rutte said as he gave the financial targets for cuts.

It's his second term as leader of this European Union nation of 16 million. His new administration is expected to be sworn in next week.

The blueprint underscored that Rutte's second government will continue the fiscally conservative policies of his first coalition, which was a staunch supporter of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's tough line on financial responsibility as the EU struggles to rein in its debt crisis.

Samsom conceded that the deal means more belt-tightening for the Netherlands, one of Europe's most economically stable nations and one of only a handful of EU states to have kept its top AAA government credit rating throughout the crisis.

"You can't say you're happy with this deal, because everybody will have to make sacrifices," Samsom told reporters in Parliament.

VVD and Labor together hold 79 seats in the 150-seat House of Representatives after both recorded big gains in Sept. 12 election.

That healthy majority is in stark contrast to Rutte's first administration, which was a minority coalition supported by the Freedom Party of maverick anti-Islam Euroskeptic lawmaker Geert Wilders.

Rutte's first government collapsed earlier this year after 18 months in office when Wilders refused to support a far-reaching austerity program aimed at bringing the Dutch government debt within EU guidelines.

The policy platform made clear that the Dutch will remain strong supporters of the European Union.

"Europe is of great importance for our peace, security and prosperity," the 81-page document said.

Rutte said his party had made "an important concession" to Labor by agreeing to cut tax relief on the mortgages of the wealthy. Rutte's VVD had long pledged not to lower mortgage relief, including at the September elections.

The blueprint also said the Netherlands will not try to host the Olympic Games, saying that successfully bidding for and organizing the Olympics "brings financial risks. There is little support for this in a time of crisis and austerity."

In the past, the Dutch had considered bidding for the Olympics in 2008 ? exactly a century after Amsterdam last staged the games.

The new coalition also pledged to lift the age at which Dutch youths can buy alcohol from 16 to 18 years.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/dutch-coalition-govt-seeks-20-billion-cuts-171439949.html

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Gadling Gear Review: DeLorme inReach Satellite Communicator ...

The DeLorme inReach Satellite CommuincatorThanks to cheap mobile phones and the proliferation of the Internet, it is now easier than ever to stay in touch while traveling, even while visiting foreign countries. But there are still certain places on the planet where cellphone coverage is nonexistent and technology of any kind is at a premium. In those destinations, satellite communication remains the best option, although it can be cost prohibitive for many. Enter the inReach satellite communicator from DeLorme, a piece of equipment that can help travelers stay in constant contact from virtually anywhere on the planet and do so without breaking the bank.

Somewhat resembling a two-way radio that needs to go on a diet, the inReach is built to be durable enough to survive nearly any environment. The device is dust and waterproof, designed to float when dropped in water, and while it weighs just 8 ounces, it is also impact resistant. DeLorme built this gadget to operate under extreme conditions, and as such, it functions in temperatures ranging from -4? up to 158? Fahrenheit. In short, the inReach is built like a tank and can withstand nearly as much punishment.

DeLorme designed the inReach to be easy to use and provide functionality that will keep travelers safe no matter where they go. The device uses GPS technology to track its location at all times and has the ability to share that location with friends and family back home via the web or SMS message. It is also configured to be able to send a variety of predefined messages as a text to let others know that the user is okay or that they are in need of assistance. The inReach also features a dedicated SOS button that can call for emergency evacuation should the need arise, providing a measure of security no matter where our travels take us.

As a stand-alone device, the inReach satellite communicator is a useful safety net that provides a measure of security for those traveling to remote corners of the planet. But when paired with a smartphone or tablet device via Bluetooth wireless connectivity, it becomes a communications tool that is far more versatile and useful than it is on its own. DeLorme's Earthmate app is available in both the iOS app store and the Google Play store, and by adding it to your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or Android powered gadget, the full capabilities of the inReach are unlocked.

The Earthmate app allows the user to move beyond simply sending pre-set messages from their satellite communicator. Instead they can use their smartphone or tablet's keyboard to type anything they want and then send it to contacts in their address book as a text message. The app can also post updates to Facebook and Twitter, while simultaneously sharing GPS locational data. You can even send messages directly to other inReach users provided you have the unique address assigned to their specific device.

The app also includes the ability to download detailed maps for most parts of the world. Those maps, when combined with the inReach's built in GPS capabilities, turns your iPhone or Android device into a navigational tool. When paired with one another, the maps show the users The DeLorme inReach satellite communicator and Earthmate applocation at any given time, making it easy to navigate through the high Himalaya or the streets of Rome with equal aplomb, without using expensive data plans while abroad.

The DeLorme inReach costs $249 and the Earthmate app is free. The company does require a monthly subscription fee to access the satellite services, providing options that range from as little as $9.95 up to $64.95 depending on the amount of text messages you want included in the package. Considering most of us already own a smartphone these days, that makes this an affordable and powerful communications tool for frequent travelers who simply want the ability to stay in touch from virtually anywhere on the planet. The device uses the Iridium satellite network to communicate, which gives it coverage at both the North and South Pole and just about everywhere else in between.

Powered by two AA batteries, I was concerned that the inReach would need to replace its power cells frequently, something that can be a real drag while traveling abroad. But DeLorme says that battery life is good for about 125 hours and I have a hard time taking umbrage with those numbers. While testing the gadget, I never managed to completely drain the batteries, although I did appreciate the ability to quickly and easily replace the AA cells, which also have the advantage of being readily available in just about any country in the world.

While putting the inReach through its paces, I found that it performed exactly as advertised. I was able to send text messages to contacts in my address book and they arrived within a couple of minutes. I could also send locational data, which came through as clickable links, taking friends to a webpage that displayed my current location. I can only assume that the emergency SOS feature works just as well, although for obvious reasons I didn't test that particular aspect of the device.

Whether you're backpacking through the Andes, sailing the South Pacific or simply wandering around Europe for a few weeks, the inReach can be a powerful communications tool to let friends and family back home know that all is well on your most recent adventure. It can also be a potential lifesaver in times of need, giving users the ability to call for help when necessary. Add in GPS navigational options and you have an incredibly useful travel companion that you won't want to leave home without.

The DeLorme inReach also makes a perfect holiday gift for the adventure traveler in your life. If you worry about a friend or family member every time they head off on another trip, then perhaps this device is just the piece of mind you'll need the next time they announce their plans to drop off the grid for a few weeks. Its ability to stay in contact and call for help when needed will have you sleeping much better at night.

[Image: www.delorme.com]

Filed under: Climbing, Hiking, Paddling, Gear, Camping, Gadling Gear Review

Source: http://www.gadling.com/2012/10/29/gadling-gear-review-delorme-inreach-satellite-communicator/

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Sudden cardiac death under age 40: Is exercise dangerous?

ScienceDaily (Oct. 29, 2012) ? It's a tragic news story that often makes headlines -- a young, healthy, fit athlete suddenly collapses and dies of cardiac arrest while playing sports.

Dr. Andrew Krahn of the University of British Columbia, presenting a study at the 2012 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress about sudden cardiac death in Ontario, suggests this is a problem that warrants attention, but says don't blame the sports.

Reviewing coroners' reports, Dr. Krahn and a team of researchers found there were 174 cases of presumed sudden death in Ontario in 2008 in people aged two to 40 years.

Heart disease was present in 126 cases (72 per cent), 78 per cent of which was unrecognized. The majority of victims were male (76 per cent) between the ages of 18 and 40 (90 per cent).

With sudden cardiac death, people who seem to be perfectly healthy can die suddenly. Each year up to 40,000 Canadians die of sudden cardiac arrest. A significant proportion of these cases occur in otherwise healthy, young individuals.

Dr. Krahn's research dispels a myth that sudden cardiac death often takes place during rigorous physical activity. In fact, he found the majority of events (72 per cent) occurred at home.

Only 33 per cent of events involving children/adolescents and just nine per cent of events in adults occurred during moderate or vigorous exercise.

"Put it this way: If you have a 13-year-old kid who is not the star athlete who dies at home watching TV, it doesn't make the news," said Dr. Krahn. "But if the same kid is a high school quarterback or hockey star, then it's covered."

Regardless of the location of the cardiac event, Dr. Krahn believes his research sheds some light on this issue.

"This research gives us an idea of the scope of the problem -- there are almost 200 young people who die suddenly every year in Ontario. A good proportion of them have unrecognized heart disease. So the question is: How can we catch this before it happens?"

He suggests more attention be paid to possible warning signs such as fainting. He believes that teachers, coaches and an aware public may be key to detecting risk, ensuring prevention and formal medical evaluation and therapy.

"I would advocate for careful screening of people who faint, using questionnaires and education of healthcare professionals so that when warning signs present themselves, they recognize them and this information gets passed on to the right people," he says.

A nationwide screening program would be the most effective measure but there isn't currently such a thing in Canada, says Dr. Krahn. "Unfortunately, we lack a simple, inexpensive test that is ideally used for screening," he says. "There is a global debate about the merits of screening, which is not performed in most countries."

Still, there are other measures that could potentially save lives, feels Dr. Beth Abramson, a Heart and Stroke Foundation researcher.

Training in CPR and the placement of Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) in schools, arenas and gyms could save the lives of many of these people, she says.

"Our goal is to make AEDs as available as fire extinguishers in public places from Yellowknife to St. John's," says Dr. Abramson. "The odds of surviving a cardiac arrest can increase to up to 75 per cent when early CPR is used in combination with an AED in the first few minutes." Since 2006, the Heart and Stroke Foundation has helped place more than 3,000 AEDs in schools and other public spaces.

The importance of AEDs was demonstrated this past summer when NHL hockey player Brett MacLean suffered a cardiac arrest at an arena in Owen Sound, Ont., during a pick-up game with friends. Players immediately performed CPR on the ice, while a spectator retrieved the AED in the arena.

Through their action, the 23-year-old survived and is currently recovering his home town of Port Elgin.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_health/~3/_iOueQPOJ74/121029082411.htm

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CSN: The platinum standard of modern baseball


DETROIT -- Brian Sabean looked at the champagne-soaked players come and go behind him through the crowded hallway that connected the Giants clubhouse to the outside world, and he looked bemused.

He looked, frankly, like a guy, who had celebrated a great moment with one set of kids, and then celebrated the same moment two years later with another set. It was Groundhog?s Day, with an unlimited amount of free beer.

And who doesn?t think that?s a good idea?

?I?m just sort of numb right now,? he said, staring into space as though eye contact with the real world might somehow spoil the moment. ?We?ll take a step back, then we?ll go to the parade and we?ll be over the moon, and then . . . and then I guess we?ll go back to work.?

So it went, this second World Series championship. A more efficient, even bloodless victory than the one two years before, capped off by Sunday?s 4-3, 10-inning victory over the Detroit Tigers. And yet they were more exhausted than they were two years earlier, because this was not that year. There was less magic and more blow-trading ? more of what Tim Flannery, the third base coach, used to describe Sunday?s win.

?These are our slingshots and rocks,? he said. ?This is what we fight with.?

Most Series sweeps lead to broad conclusions about a team?s place in history, but to understand the Giants, it helps to understand one hard and cold truth.

This, their triumphant moment, was the worst game they played in the last seven. It was also the most dominant game they played when it mattered, in the final four innings, right after the Delmon Young home run that tied the game at three.

In other words, if you?re keen on metaphors, this was it. Blow-trading.

And they became one of the genuinely special operations of the past 40 years. Only four franchises, Oakland, Cincinnati, New York (twice) and Toronto have won multiple World Series so close together, and if you want to quibble about the definition of dynasty, then by all means do.

But two in three means you?re no longer lucky, and you?re no longer merely grinders. You?re a team with a high profile, something that makes Sabean?s teeth grind.

?We do keep a low profile, and we just work together for the common goal,? he said of his staff. But when someone asked him how he intended to keep that low profile with the wave of hyperbolic megapraise headed their way, he sounded less sure even when he said, ?We will.?

Because he knows they won?t. They can?t. Other teams will start poaching their brightest minds. The changes that worked so well for them on the field (Buster Posey and an entirely new position group) will start to affect the front office, and who does what they have become so accustomed to doing as a unit.

You see, one championship is a party. Two in three years is a statement. In the new baseball, which looks more and more like hockey in this way, the real trick is not to dominate the regular season but to create some space by the start of September and then go foot-to-floor for as long as one can manage it.

This is the real Giants Way. The fundamental truth that stands the game?s principal dynamic on its head. Specifically, the postseason starts on August 1, and doesn?t get serious until September 1. And it ends, or at least it could have ended, on November 1.

The Giants in 2010 and 2012 have won 61 of 90 games from September 1 forward. That?s how postseasons are owned.

And they got lucky, when Johnny Cueto lasted eight pitches in the National League Division Series. And when Lance Lynn threw a perfect strike right at the second base bag to trigger the rally in Game 5 of NL Championship Series that began the suffocating run that ensued.

And they overcame their own hitting struggles, working just enough good at-bats around the bad ones that were starting to worry Bochy as late as Game 4 of the World Series. They struck out a preposterous 40 times in their four games against Detroit, but trailed for only two of the 37 innings they played.

And they got very hard to deal with in the late innings. Never mind Tim Lincecum, of which much has, is, and will continue to be said. Taking out the one blowout game they lost, Game 4 of the LCS, their bullpen as a whole allowed seven HITS in 27 innings in the final 11 games.

And they took blows and gave one more every time, against every opponent. Anyone can dominate over a short piece of time, but to win a reputation for being a tough out is something that happens only with time.

They are a tough out now, these Giants. A piece of post-expansion history, with those A?s and those Reds and those Yankees and even those Blue Jays. They are the new platinum standard of modern baseball.

And yes, they have lost the low profile they so cherish. They will now learn what it is to be copied, and be chased, and be poached. Brian Sabean and the organization he assembled will now feel the slingshots and rocks, and he and they will have to become even more nimble and creative in not only ducking them, but building better slingshots and finding better rocks.

Source: http://www.csnbayarea.com/10/29/12/Giants-are-the-new-platinum-standard-of-/nbcsportsgiants.html?blockID=794759&feedID=2796

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