বৃহস্পতিবার, ১১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Call for Papers: and Oxford Chinese Internet Research Conference ...

China and the New Internet World: The Eleventh Chinese Internet Research
Conference (CIRC11)
Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford
14-15 June 2013

CIRC is an interdisciplinary conference that brings together scholars,
analysts, industry leaders, journalists and legal practitioners from
around the world to examine the impact of the Internet on Chinese society,
including its social, cultural, political and economic aspects, as well as
how China is changing the Internet. Founded in 2003, the eleventh meeting
of the Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC) will be held in Oxford,
hosted and co-organized by the Oxford Internet Institute, the Programme of
Comparative Media Law and Policy, and the Reuters Institute for the Study
of Journalism at the University of Oxford in collaboration with the
Steering Committee of the CIRC, the Annenberg School for Communication &
Journalism at USC, the Center for Global Communications Studies (CGCS) at
the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania,
the Global Communication Research Institute (GCRI) at Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, and Singapore Internet Research Centre at Nanyang
Technological University.

CIRC11 will begin with a dinner at Balliol College on 14 June 2013, which
follows the ICA Pre-Conference on ?China and the New Internet World?. This
conference will be organized by the OII, PCMLP and RISJ, in collaboration
with an organizing committee, which will include representatives of CIRC
and our academic partners. CIRC11 will continue on Saturday, 15 June with
academic panels and presentations from 9am to 5pm, followed by a closing

While individuals may register to attend CIRC11 whether or not they are
able to attend the ICA Pre-Conference on the 14th (and vice versa), the
conferences are designed to flow seamlessly together providing a broad
range of current research on the Chinese Internet and drawing prominent
researchers to this these consecutive events.


Those who wish to attend the ICA Pre-Conference should register through
the ICA:
http://www.icahdq.org/conf/index.asp. Those who wish to attend the CIRC11
Dinner on 14 June or CIRC11 on 15 June should send an email expressing
interest to events (at)?oii.ox.ac.uk?<http://oii.ox.ac.uk/> with CIRC in
the subject heading.

Accepting Proposals and Abstracts

The CIRC11 Organizing Committee welcomes proposals for panels or abstracts
of presentations for the 15 June conference. Any panel or presentation
that promises to advance social research on the Internet and related media
and communication technologies in China or within the broader Chinese user
community is welcomed. Panel proposals should be written in English and
should not exceed two pages or 1000 words, and abstracts not exceed one
page or 500 words.

Graduate Student Paper Competition

Papers by graduate students are particularly welcomed. Graduate students
who submit conference papers will be considered for CIRC?s annual graduate
student paper competition. Eligibility is limited to papers that do not
include any faculty co-authors.

Thematic Focus

CIRC examines trends and themes concerning the role of the Internet and
related media and communication technologies in Chinese political,
economic, cultural and social life. We welcome contributions from any
disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective that seek to address these
themes. Forward looking and historical perspectives on the Internet in
China and the Asian region are particularly welcome.

Potential topics include:

* presentations on the Internet and media industries, such as new
companies and innovations in China;

* applications, ranging from gaming and social media to journalism, news
and information; patterns of consuming Internet products and services,
from online shopping to digital government;

* issues related to the creative industries and online popular culture;

* media and Internet governance in China and globally;

* social movements, such as grassroots activism and e-tactics, and digital
divides in technology, skills, and access; and

* methodological perspectives and challenges in performing Internet
research in China.


66th Annual KFLC: The Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference
April 18-20, 2013 ? University of Kentucky ? Lexington, Kentucky


East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) Studies

Deadline for Abstract Submission: November 15, 2012

The KFLC (formerly the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference) is proud to
open sessions devoted to the presentation of scholarly research in the
area of East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) Studies. Abstracts are
invited in all areas and aspects of this field, including, but not limited

* Class, gender, ethnicity/race
* Colonialism and Diaspora
* Memory, violence, and nation
* Popular culture in global markets
* Performance, agency, and identity
* Ethics of literary-cultural studies
* Classical literature; new readings
* Media studies, music studies, film studies
* Social movements ? justice, citizenship, and resistance
* The avant-garde ? arts in contexts
* Body, space, and the public sphere
* The politics of writing ? writing within/against culture

Sessions are 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute question & answer session.
In addition to individual abstracts for paper presentations, proposals for
panels of 3-5 papers will be considered.

The KFLC has a tradition of attracting scholars from a broad range of
languages and specializations.? This year?s conference will have sessions
in Arabic Studies, East Asian Studies, French and Francophone Studies,
German-Austrian-Swiss Studies, Hispanic Linguistics, Hispanic Studies
(Spanish Peninsular and Spanish American), Neo-Latin Studies,
Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies, Language Technology, Second Language
Acquisition, and Translation and Cultural Studies.

Individually submitted abstracts should be no more than 250 words and
should include author?s name, affiliation and contact information.

Panel proposals of 3-5 presentations should be submitted as follows: The
panel organizer should e-mail a panel proposal to the track director of
his or her division. ?The panel proposal cannot exceed one page in length
and should include the theme of the panel, the organizer?s name and
contact information, and the names, contact information and affiliations
of the panel participants. ?Each participant MUST submit an individual
abstract using our online system in addition to the panel proposal. Please
indicate that your presentation is part of a pre-organized panel and list
the title and organizer of the panel in the abstract.

Papers should be read in English to facilitate cross-cultural dialogue and
conversation. ?Acceptance of a paper or complete panel implies a
commitment on the part of all participants to register and attend the
conference. All presenters must pay the appropriate registration fee by
February 15, 2013 to be included in the program.

To submit abstracts and panel proposals BY NOVEMBER 15, 2012, please use
the KFLC link:?https://kflc.as.uky.edu/. For more information on
conference logistics, please visit?http://web.as.uky.edu/kflc/.

Source: http://dgeneratefilms.com/academia/call-for-papers-and-oxford-chinese-internet-research-conference-kentucky-foreign-language-conference

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