শুক্রবার, ৮ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Is Your DR Plan Ready? Tips to Help You Weather the Storm ? Data ...

  • nyc-blizzard-2011

    Is your data center ready for a blizzard? Better check your disaster recovery plan. Heavy snow can be beautiful, but can also be a challenge. (Photo of New York?s Gramercy Park in Feb. 2011 blizzard by Marc Cappelletti via Flickr)

    With a potentially historic blizzard threatening parts of the Northeast, it?s a good day to review your disaster recovery and business continuity plans. As part of Data Center Knowledge?s Industry Perspectives?feature, disaster recovery expert Richard Dolewski has written a series of comprehensive articles on disaster recovery planning and strategy that provides guidance and tips for all who face business continuity issues.

    Disaster Recovery Scenario: Stick to the Plan?-?No one likes disasters and downtime. Prudent operations managers have business continuity plans that can assist in a crisis and support organizational priorities and goals as well.

    Health Check For Your Disaster Recovery Plan ? Just as a health checkup can point out areas where your body is not operating at its peak, your Disaster Recovery Plan needs a regular review to make sure your IT systems and staff are fully prepared for any disaster that may occur.

    Disaster Recovery Plans: Practice Makes Perfect ? Once you?ve developed and implemented a Disaster Recovery Plan, your job is just beginning; you must test it ? not just once, but regularly ? to reflect the changing dynamics of your computing environment.

    We?ll also pose a question to our readers with expertise on disaster recovery: What are the special considerations for dealing with a major snow event? How does the checklist for a blizzard differ from other types of disasters? Share your thoughts and expertise in the comment section.

    About Rich Miller

    Rich Miller is the founder and editor-in-chief of Data Center Knowledge, and has been reporting on the data center sector since 2000. He has tracked the growing impact of high-density computing on the power and cooling of data centers, and the resulting push for improved energy efficiency in these facilities.

  • Source: http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2013/02/08/is-your-dr-plan-ready-expert-tips-to-help-you-weather-the-storm/

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    1 টি মন্তব্য:

    1. Thanks for sharing this post! You offer very useful and helpful advice. Every business should have a recovery plan in order to remain protected in any instance. Business owners who don't have a recovery plan should check out disaster recovery management options.
