শুক্রবার, ২ আগস্ট, ২০১৩

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Whither the GOP?

Dana Milbank:

House Republicans, in their final days at work before taking a five-week vacation, have come out with a new agenda: ?Stop Government Abuse.?

A more candid slogan might be: ?Stop Government.?

Brian Beutler:
Republicans have dealt with some embarrassing moments on the House floor over the past year, but none so revealing or damning as today?s snafu, when they yanked a bill to fund the Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development. Even the recent farm bill fiasco wasn?t as damning an indictment of the GOP?s governing potential.

It may seem like a minor hiccup, or a symbolic failure. But it spells doom for the party?s near-term budget strategy and underscores just how bogus the party?s broader agenda really is and has been for the last four years.

Ron Fournier claims that the only measurement of leadership is success. GOP obstructionism is irrelevant:
[Ezra] Klein is right about this: No president is a superhero. First, as Klein suggests, the U.S. political system faces enormous structural problems that make leadership challenging for any president. Chief among them is sophisticated redistricting that has helped create a polarized Congress packed with lawmakers with no incentive to compromise. Second, government austerity reduces the president's ability to bargain with Congress. Third, the democratization of politics?and of big money in particular?has weakened the party structures. That has weakened a president's powers that stem from his role as the titular party chief. Finally, the modern GOP is less willing than Democrats to compromise. There is something to Obama's complaint that virtually any policy he supports will be met by resistance.

But none of these are excuses for failure. Presidential leadership (or the lack of it) still makes an enormous difference.

@ThePlumLineGS @ron_fournier I think Ron errs in not singling out the House, Senate's a different story where compromise is possible.
? @DemFromCT Greg Sargent demurs:
If anything, it?s punditry such as Fournier?s that constitutes a surrender of sorts. It?s not enough to claim Obama?s legacy will inevitably seen as a failure ?to overcome GOP intransigence (should that happen), because history isn?t fair. The question is, should that be the case, and would blaming Obama for failing to overcome it be a reasonable and accurate assessment? Fournier, in effect, is giving up on the pundit?s ability to engage this question forthrightly and directly, and by extension, on his ability to influence public and elite perceptions of what?s happening. Fournier regularly derides ?partisans? on both sides of this argument. But the refusal to apportion blame accurately ? when the facts plainly merit assigning it overwhelmingly to one side, and not the other ? is itself a form of partisanship and bias that impairs judgment and, in the end, misleads readers.
ICYMI: 75% of small businesses say they will fire workers or cut hours under Obamacare? Pants on Fire! http://t.co/...
? @PolitiFact I take great pleasure in posting Jason Sattler. Who is Jason Sattler? @LOLGOP on Twitter:
What if I told you about a $1.3 trillion disaster passed mostly under a contortion of the Senate rules known as "reconciliation" and signed into law by a new, untested president whose legitimacy was questioned by millions?

What if I told you this big government giveaway would destroy years of hard-won fiscal responsibility, resulting in a "lost decade for jobs" as we fought two wars and expanded the government in unprecedented, unfunded ways? And after this $1.3 trillion boondoggle fueled skyrocketing inequality and blasted a gaping hole in the budget we would be left with a once-in-a-half-century financial crisis that would leave America borrowing more than a trillion dollars a year?

You might say, "Boycott the Bush tax cuts!"

But Republicans would call you a crazy, un-American, ACORN-suckling, Sharia trial lawyer, communistic, socialistic, fascistic, Maoistic, son-of-a-Saul Alinsky. Who would turn down a tax break? That's our money, libtard. GIVE IT BACK.

But that's the magic of President Obama. He can turn Republicans against tax breaks or subsidies for the poor and the middle class, if they were ever for them in the first place.

At today?s House Budget Committee hearing, Sister Simone Campbell, the leader of ?Nuns on the Bus? and executive director of NETWORK, a National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, told several stories of how safety-net programs can reduce hardship and expand opportunity.

Source: http://rss.dailykos.com/~r/dailykos/index/~3/9boTpPYGkhA/-Abbreviated-Pundit-Round-up-Whither-the-GOP

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