শুক্রবার, ২৬ জুলাই, ২০১৩

Hoover sports medics, emergency responders to hold training session to stay in-sync for wounded athletes

When Hoover's athletes get injured, there are always very qualified people on hand to stitch them up again, but not always in exactly the same way. ?

Fortunately, sports medicine professionals will meet up with emergency responders from Hoover's police and fire departments Friday afternoon at the ?for a joint protocol training session to make sure every responder is in the same league when athletes can't walk it off.

The curriculum, originally developed by Lemak Sports Medicine, has been expanded and revised to reach more medical professionals from the Hoover police and fire departments and other sports medicine groups in the area. Paramedics and officers as well as administrative personnel will be present to critique and give suggestions for the revamped course.

"We just want to make sure everybody is on the same page. This will hopefully eliminate the breakdown in communication," said Rusty Lowe, executive officer of the Hoover Fire Department.

And when an injury does happen, it can mean confusion between medics from the city and on the field who sometimes have somewhat different means for the same end. Lowe said the course will be ?colloquium of broken bones and pulled ligaments, not as much an educational seminar as a chance for groups on both sides to stay keep up to date on each other's procedures and protocols.

?"We all have the same goal, but sometimes the way to reach that goal is different," Lowe continued. "With the sheer number of sports athletes we have, we respond to everything from spinal injuries and concussions to sprained ankles on a regular basis."

The group will work to develop common emergency action plans for various injuries and venues, and high on the discussion list will be extreme player concussions, extreme weather conditions and how to deal with various athletic equipment.

"In the past sometimes we've scratched our heads and said, 'How are we going to immobilize this person? With the helmet on, or should we take it off?'" Lowe explained.

Lowe said the session is only Hoover's latest step in an ongoing effort to keep all medical responders in sync, no matter the situation.

"There are so many sports emergencies, especially with younger athletes, people are seeing a need for better communication, and this is one way to actually do it."

Source: http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2013/07/hoover_sports_medics_emergency.html

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